The Most Important Hip
The Most Important Hip

The hip is one of the most mobile joints of the human body. It is required for a vast array of activities: walking, swinging a bat or club, swimming, sitting, and so much more. As the modern life becomes more and more sedentary, we are seeing a decrease in the mobility of the hip joint. Mobility and flexibility are often used interchangeably, but is there actually a difference between these terms for our health? What is the importance of having full hip mobility? How does a decrease in the mobility of the hip joint affect one’s life? How does control over your joint lead to a healthy hip?
First, we must explain the difference between mobility and flexibility. Mobility is the ability for the joint to reach its full range of motion without external help, and flexibility is the ability for the muscle to reach full length with an outside force. Imagine trying to get into the bottom of a squat. Mobility is being able to get the full motion through your own power, while flexibility would be using a barbell or partner to help you get to the bottom position.
Treatment Options For Hip Pain in Fremont CA
When one starts to lose the mobility of the hip, they start to experience issues with everyday activities. Since walking, running, swinging, and sitting all require the hip to be able to move, as the mobility of the joint decreases, these movements become harder to accomplish and most of the time painful or uncomfortable. As the hip starts to lose mobility, the body will start to put extra load onto other joints to compensate for the hip’s lack of ability to work. One’s knees, ankles, and back start to take on this extra load as the hip cannot complete its share of the work. This presents as pain, or discomfort not only in the hip, but the surrounding joints as well.
Control of any joint allows the body to move in a way that is safe and avoid injury. For any movement or position, the body must be neurologically sound. Essentially, our brain needs to be able to manage the movement for the full range of motion. The control allows the body to move in a safe manner and prevent the movement from moving beyond its capacity and causing an injury. As we begin to master control, we start to truly master and own our hips.
One of the key impacts to increasing one’s hip mobility is a decrease in knee, ankle, and back pain. As we start to reapply the load on the hip to its full capacity, we are decreasing the extra load on the other joints. The other joints of the body no longer need to work extra hours or compensate for the hip not working correctly. As the hip can move through the full range of motion under control, one will see their strength greatly increase. Weightlifters will see a jump in their squat and deadlift numbers, and runners will find their mechanics will become more efficient. Overall, one’s daily activities will become less burdensome on the body.
The hip is one of the most underrated and ignored joints. Its mobility is rarely worked on under traditional strength training practices. Combine that with modern society’s propensity to sit and be sedentary all day, one will start to see and feel a decrease in their overall health. By working to improve the mobility of the hip we will see an increase to one’s overall health and happiness. A cleaner more fluid hip will help decrease pain in multiple areas of the body leading to a happier life.
To schedule an appointment call our team at Core Performance Chiropractic at (510) 737-2306.
8:30am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
7:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
7:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
8:30am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Appointment Only
Core Performance Chiropractic
39210 State St Suite 204
Fremont, CA 94538
(510) 737-2306